Christ United Methodist Church
14506 E 39th St S
Independence, MO 64055-4228
Come and be inspired by many fine instructors who will help you learn how to research, plan, and construct fine and wondrous raiment! Don’t know what time period interests you most? Explore the fashions of many places and times. Don’t know how to sew? We will have a class for that! Even if you aren’t interested in sewing, you can learn more about historical clothing and possibly even connect with someone who can help you achieve the sort of clothing you are interested in wearing.
Class Schedule (subject to change – Click to see enlarged version)

Class Descriptions – Click Here
Youth Activities Schedule – Click Here
Sign up to Participate in the Walk Through History!
Arts & Sciences Competition – Peacocks on the Field (Click here for more information and to enter to participate or judge)
Site will open at 7am and close at 7pm. Adult event registration (18 and over): $25. Adult Member Discount Registration $15. Youths 12-17: $5. Children under 12: Free. Make checks payable to: SCA Inc., Shire of Cúm an Iolair
Clothiers’ Seminar Pre-Registration is now open:
Pre-Registration will close on Tuesday, Jan 21st at 8 pm.
All invoices must be PAID by Wednesday Jan 22nd at 8 pm.
A lunch inn will be available on site!
As in previous years, instructors will receive a complimentary Meal Deal from the inn.
A sausage Roll or Cornish pasties with a side salad and a tasty onion chutney. Gluten or veggie version is a simple mixed root veggies and gluten free crackers.Dessert is a choux bun with a Chantilly cream and passion fruit filling. And or, British flapjack (no not pancakes). And or a fruit flavoured biscuit/cookie.
Directions: From I-70 in Independence, take the S Noland Rd exit and head North for 3 blocks, to East 39th St. Take a right on 39th, drive for 5 blocks, and the church will be on the left.
Event Steward
Mèstra Giraude Benet
Jill Sibley
Lord Randr Tokesson
Anthony Golden
Inn Steward
Mistress Lillian Bowyer
Sharon Raynor
719-246-6603 (No calls after 8pm)
This event is held and managed by the Shire of Cum an Iolar, a region/branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to eventsteward@shirecai.calontir.org. Any discrepancies between the electronic version or any information and the event flyer that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the event flyer. Please review all of Calontir’s COVID Guidelines before attending which can be found through the following link: