Feast of Eagles: July 27, 2024
Join us for an exciting day of tournaments, games, activities, and of course, the feast!
Pre-Registration Information
Pre-Registration will close on Tuesday July 23rd at 8pm.
All invoices must be PAID by Wednesday July 24th at 8pm.
For the master schedule see the following: Master Schedule
For detailed information on the feast, auctions, classes, and tournaments see the following: Detailed Information
It has been determined that in the Spirit of Amity, the Feast shall be Equally Divided with Food from both England (to remain in Alphabetical order) and France. To wit, Two courses shall be English and Two shall be French with the Dessert or Last Course consisting of One dish from each country to represent the Peach we all Wish for on This Great Occasion.
First Course On the Table: English pickles; Consisting of Golden Eggs and Onions and cucumber and mushrooms of Natural color; with English Cheddar and Bread (Wheat or light Rye to be determined) and Butter.
Second course: A Salat of Mixed Greens with strawberries and toasted Hazelnuts dressed with Balsamic Vinaigrette; Luscious Brie Tart and Baguettes with butter.
Third Course: Roast beef with Choice of Mustard or Horseradish sauce; Minted Green Peas, and Turnips Armored for Battle (English comfort foods!)
Fourth Course: Game Hens endored with Orange; Little Leaves of Chard, Spinach, Fennel and mixed herbs braised for a Nest, Plus Mushroom Pastry log.
Fifth Course Dessert: CINNAMON PUDDING FROM ENGLAND and CHERRY FILLED COOKIES FROM FRANCE. Plus fruit that comes from both countries.
Feast Steward
HL Fiona nic Gormliatha
Hosted by the Shire of Cum an Iolair
St Thomas Episcopal Church
12251 Antioch Rd, Overland Park, KS 66213
Site opens at 9am, closes at 9pm
• Adult event registration: $20
• Adult member discount registration: $10
• Youth 12-17: $5 (Children under 12 are free)
• Make checks payable to: “SCA, Inc., Shire of CAI”
Feast of Eagles Tournament Schedules 2024
Rattan Tournaments
9:30 am: Inspections and authorizations
10:00 am: Double elimination pole arm tourney
30 minutes after pole arm tourney: “Bring Your Best” double elimination tourney
30 minutes after “Bring Your Best” tourney: Double elimination barrier tourney
Steel Tournaments
10:00 am: Bear pit tournament
1:00 pm: Dance card tournament (self-paced and relaxed)
Arts and Sciences: Classes 2024
Classroom 1
10-11 am: Nesscia Inghean Chearnaigh, OP — Let’s Talk about the Greenland Gown This is a round table discussion about the clothing from “Woven into the Earth: Textiles from Norse Greenland” – No fee, no class size limit, under 14 are welcome with an adult.
11-Noon: Lady Dyrfinna Tonnudottir — Beginning Tablet Weaving – Theory and resources for beginning weavers — No fee or class size limit, children over 14 with accompanying adult.
1-2 pm: Colonel Jenna of SouthWind — “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Three Important Stories from Calontir History” — Being the absolutely true stories of Eislinn’s Pennsic, Court Duke Pavel, and the legendary trip to the Barony of the Flame wherein an innocent fighter was drug to the world’s largest fabric store – No fee, or class size limit. All ages.
2-3 pm: Mistress Joan Myssenden — Distilled Waters for Food, Perfume, and Medicine: An overview of the history of rosewater and other hydrosols, plus how to distill your own botanical waters at home with minimal equipment. There will be samples! — Age range 14+, younger please have a parent present. No fee or class size limit.
Classroom 2
10-11 am: Mu’allimah Vashti al-A’shariyah — From Infodump to Teaching: How to turn your cool facts into a class – No fee, or class size limit. All ages.
11-Noon: Aelin Kausi — Introduction to Drop/Hand Spinning –– No fee, but students should bring spindles. Roving (wool) will be provided. Max 25 students, ages 12 & up.
1-2 pm: Ginevra Brandini — Sew Your Own Viking Cap. Hand sew a 6-panel cap based on 9th century finds from Birka, Sweden. Class fee covers all required materials, but participants may wish to bring a thimble if they use one. This project is appropriate for novice and experienced hand sewers alike. — $10 fee — 12 participants max, age teen+.
3-4 pm: Ginevra Brandini — Reaching their height in popularity throughout Europe in the latter half of the Middle Ages, finger loop braiding is quite simple to get started in. We’ll learn to make a simple braid and discuss the wide range of useful applications for your creations. No fee, 12 participants, ages 12+.
Feast: English and French Dishes
Donation Inn: Ploughman’s lunch (cheese, bread, vegetables, and cold meats)
Site is discreetly wet.
Activities include
• Rattan Tournaments
• Cut and Thrust Tournaments
• Thrown Weapons Competitions
• Bocce Tournament
• Classes
• Arts and Sciences competition: Opulence in Flight
• Children’s activities: TBA
Merchants welcome
No merchant fee. Please provide your own tables. (Merchants, please contact the Merchant Wrangler John Bowyer jbowyer1415@gmail.com)
Event Steward: John Bowyer (Chris Raynor, phone #: 719-679-2014)
Co-steward: Batilda von Köln (Victoria Newman)
Feast Steward: Fiona nic Gormliatha
Photo credit: Royal Collection at Hampton Court
For information about The Field of Cloth of Gold historical event (June 1520) visit: https://www.hrp.org.uk/hampton-court-palace/history-and-stories/the-field-of-cloth-of-gold/#gs.4kyhvg